D-PHYS galleries

D-PHYS galleries

Home / Years / 2014


  1. 20 Years of Quantum Cascade Laser

  2. LAP Celebration 2014

  3. Inaugural Wolf Debate at ETH Zurich, Audimax

  4. Zukunftstag 2014

  5. Studieninformationstage 2014

  6. Studienwoche 2014 - PHYSIK ohne Grenzen

  7. Pauli Lectures 2014 with Prof. Lyn Evans, CERN

  8. Pauli Lectures 2014 with Prof. Peter Jenni, University of Freiburg and CERN

  9. Pauli Lectures 2014 with Prof. Gian Giudice, CERN

  10. Lunch-Colloquium with Prof. Meg Urry, Yale University

  11. Jungforschende zu Besuch an der ETH/D-PHYS

  12. Christmas Dinner 2014